Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mother's Know Best!

I know this is past Mother's Day but I felt I just had to share how wonderful I think moms are especially my mother as well as my aunts, grandmas, and rest of the family who share that wonderful calling. As I grow up I learn so much more about my own mother and the capacity she has to love, it grows every day! As you all know we are in the process of adopting and I can't believe all the hard work my mother goes through to just see if maybe, that one chance we will be picked. She works so hard even though she knows that we might not get picked to adopt, but she keeps her head up high. I am amazed to see her as well as Lisa and Angie and everyone else who have adopted, work so hard to receive a child in their home! Wow I just want to run through the streets saying I know the most wonderful mothers! My mother means so much to me and especially since she has started to try and adopt she has taught me so many lessons in life! So while these words specifically might not come to comfort, remember mothers out there your children(or nieces, like I) appreciate you way more than you can imagine. Now I know its hard to think that when kids are screaming, teenagers yell, and us kids just don't' listen but I know for a fact how much we kids appreciate mothers! So please, don't forget how wonderful of mothers you are and I for one will try not to treat my mother special only on Mother's Day